
About me (next update coming soon)

Welcome to my about me page This is a page dedicated to knowing more about me, my interests, hobbies and so much more. I will try and talk about myself the best i can (I am so bad at talking about myself and who I am)

Who am i? I go by the name Corey both online and IRL, I like the idea of keeping a gender neutral name that applies to both masculine and feminine apperance. My first name is very feminine, I dont hate it nor does it trigger me I just enjoy going by a name thats neutral.

I enjoy Art, music, collecting, Movies/TV shows, photography, coding/tech and so much more :)

I am in a long term relationship with my boyfriend, who I love very much.

Currently I am 19 years old. I reside in Canada, I am also mixed race. (Costa rican and Scottish ) I have 3 siblings, An older brother in Costa Rica and two younger siblings.