
. Personal

. About me

. Off-site links

. Portfolio

. Commission

. my guestbook

. Fan related

. The feature block

. Web shrines

. Music logs

. Topics

. Articles

. Diary

Welcome to my website.

Welcome to rural rose. You are now viewing the personal website of corey (me!). When viewing this site please be aware that it may look different across devices. This was mostly coded on firefox, other browsers may display things akwardly.

Rural Rose a website that takes inspiration from obscure horror video games. It takes from a lot of outside inspirations too, like abandonded areas, rural areas and old run down buildings. My website takes from old internet web designs.

as you can see this site goes through a lot of change. I am so picky when it comes to the way i present my site, which is why it looks so empty most of the time. I try my best to keep one theme but it is just always subject to change. I do hope you enjoy looking around though! If you leave a message for me i always read it and i am very thankful for them!.


JUNE 2024 SITE NEWS: Changing my layout to be a lot more readble and less messy, this is so others can easily read and focus on certain containers. The next couple pages that will be worked on will be my about me page, personal page, fan contents and the feature block. I am so sorry for keeping pages incomplete and empty, but soon i will complete most of the pages i mentioned.

JUNE 2024 SITE NEWS: Really quick update, this site is being cleaned up... i changed the layout slighty and i am still adding more things, i was sorta in a rush. I had also changed the guestbook host.

MAY 2024 SITE NEWS: Hello, slow month. There has been little updates, I need to catch up on a ton of school work and figure out what i want to do after irl, and my wacom intous4 tablets charging port currently dislodged, so making digital art and website assets is going to be difficult. Unless My partner can fix my tablet and check it out, i might have to order a smiliar tablet off ebay. Thats fine though, I can tough it out lol. Other than that I am working towards making "shrine" or fan content pages, and than working towards finding a new guestbook platform since 123 guestbook is shutting down soon. There will be sperartic updates here and there but hopefully I can push content out faster on my site.

Top Tracks

The Shooting Star


Top Tracks


Pearl Jam

Check out my .FM account

:. Links and credit.


Dither me this



:. Blogs with image material.

purin pixel

suite texures


Maguro carrd